the legend

the legend
could have been the best
my views and opinions on all things arsenal with an irish perspective

Sunday, July 17, 2011

its sunny out.lets accenuate the positives

Summer 2011 will for many gooners be wished away and buried in a lead filled casket and entombed in volcano deep under the most remote part of the south pacific.
Never before have gooners fans have had to endure hour after hour,day after day,week after week of him signing,him not signing,him leaving,him wanting to leave,him joining them,them laughing at us etc.
Arsenal last time i checked were attempting to qualify for the Champions League,,im not being a bit forward but i do think we will avoid relegation this season,,(just).
We seem to be up to our ears in debt,,(sarcasm) and are struggling to fill our stadium week after week(well we do get 55k a week).
Its time we started to look inward and look at our very positive attributes as a team and club.
As a club we certainly are a super business model and our trip to Asia has proved that the brand of Arsenal does travel ,it has legs and defintely there is a lot of potential worldwide for expansion.
Is this down to to our brand of football,,i would like to think so,,,we are known for our wilingness to be offensive and play the game the purists way.
Sure its not the "chelsea" way or the "manchester" way,,its certainly not the friggin "stoke" way
So as a club we do things right ,we play the right way,,,surely we must have a bunch of twats playing for us....hmm is that true denilson?bendtner?almunia...obviously i have picked these 3 but in fairness they were never good enough to play and win cultivating the brand of soccer we play,But on the other side of the coin we have szechnesy kosceleny,song,wilshere,ramsey,van persie,players that have so much to gve and have already shown us glimpses of their extensive range of talents and skills.
These players harnessed with Sagna,Vermalen,Walcott and the mercurial Arshavin and we dont have the worst squad.
So is it the manager then ,Arsene Wenger ,in September 2011 he will be at Arsenal 15 years ,is it too long for 1 guy?has he gone stale?who is better?
In my personal opinion i do believe that Wenger is still "1" of the best managers worldwide,,with a little more luck and better judgement he would have increase his trophy haul,,I agree he needs to move with the times and be less stubborn,,but apart from Guardiola ,,who would you want in charge?
Things can only get better..

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