the legend

the legend
could have been the best
my views and opinions on all things arsenal with an irish perspective

Monday, July 18, 2011

we are arsenal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nobody likes us........we dont care

Many years ago in the year of our lord(george graham)1993,i had the strange expierence of watching an Arsenal game in my local in Dublin.
I can recall the game itself in great detail we played Manchester City,Ian wright scored,,i ate salt and vinegar peanuts for the first time.
The peanuts i tweet about are very important,,salt and vinegar was new,exotic,addictive,,,,,,,,,,,fuck this,,,the point im making is the game was non-descript,,nothing happened,nothing at all till Wright followed up a shot struck wildly in the 91st minute.
What struck me was the pub was busy,bustlin even,,but nobody was intrested,,they knew all about Arsenal,,boring,boring Arsenal,,the George Graham sterotype was "alive and kicking " then.When the goal went in i never felt so alone as a supporter,,i was over the moon a late goal,a 1-0 away from home and WRIGHTY scoring again,but the grumbles from people passing by and glancing at the screen brought me down to earth.
"turn that rubbish off"
Fast forward 15- maybe 18 years,,Arsenal are a world way from the team of the early 90s,but the apathy from people still remains,,,,i noticed it when "thierry henry" would score and maybe throw a pout to 1 of the 25 sky cams following him around the pitch,,,i see it when "Van Persie" runs manically away waving all arms after scoring a penalty.
But i mostly see it when the camera pans to Arsene Wenger,,every movement ,every gesticulation,,is caught and held up for ridicule,,usually accompanied by a smart alec comment from a co -commentator who suffers from a congential "splinter in arse" condition from sitting on the fence too often.,,except when Arsenal are on,,they seem to take great delight in being so right and correct of their phycological analysis of whats right and wrong at Arsenal.
A perfect example of this was at the end of the Arsenal and Liverpool game at the Emirates,,the events and subsequent "handshake" at the end between Wenger and Dalglish was perceived as not happening at all,,depite evidence to the contarary.
Much was made of Wengers reaction but what of Dalglish and his use of "some industrial language",,this was still supposed to be Wengers fault.
Arsene is by no means the best loser around but the hype by the media,phone ins and tv coverage is bordering on the xenophobic........does any other manager (specifically British get this treatment,,(i recall benitez suffering like this too))
It seems an agenda has been created and perfected by the media partners to discredit WENGER and de-facto Arsenal.
Ironic when in Jack wilshere ,Wenger will have done so much to further the England teams fortunes for years to come.
I will finish my rant with 2 words PHIL BROWN

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