the legend

the legend
could have been the best
my views and opinions on all things arsenal with an irish perspective

Monday, July 11, 2011

Winter of Discontent

As a gooner ,,Summer is always viewed with suspicion and trepidation.,and per usual this summer doesnt disapoint.
Since Theo sliding the ball under the fella that nearly joined us ,it seems as if we have gone into perpetual meltdown
We have had the "goalie saga"the "cesc saga"the "nasri saga" ,saga this ,saga that ,it is the constant drip,drip of bad to worse news that ingrates on your cranium.
Now this isnt a post to complain about who should stay or go ,that will happen anyway.
No this is a post to maybe suggest something to Arsenal as a club that might help going forward.
Ever since and especially under the Wenger reign,gooners worldwide have endured close season after close season of pure negativity.
Even in years we have won doubles and leagues,we have had to put up with some saga of someone leaving,,,who can forget Anelka and his 2 ugly sisters,or Viera and his dalliance with the dark side at old trafford,,or Thierry and all the tears,,
The point is as fans we get nothing back and we have to watch as other clubs seem to enjoy great stories and rumours coming out and being leaked ,,,,FFS,,Sunderland have signed Messi(or someone)
Even our signings and good news stories drag on painfully,,i mean we first enquired about Gerviniho back in 1978.
Players will come and go,,in good and bad circumstances but the fans and their feeling will remain,my plea to the club would be maybe to consider employing a better Pr departement,maybe to diffuse the cesc to barca garbage,or nasri to middle east city,,,,maybe something to counteract these stories,,give the masses something,,dont leave us wallowing in the mire,,a happy supporter is a consumer as well

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