the legend

the legend
could have been the best
my views and opinions on all things arsenal with an irish perspective

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


While we shuffle throught this transfer window,,checking every website to see if we have signed hector overheadkick from san quentin asswipes,,i hark back to a couple of seasons ago when Arsene really did fulfil our wishes.
Janurary 09 was a snowy month,,blizzards,wind and rain,,and the usual bluff and bluster for Arsenal in the transfer window.
We had heard rumours and murmurings of this russian guy with the funny name,,Arshovel,,Arsegoblin,Arshavin,,,yes Andrei Arshavin,i remember him,,i remember him from EURO 2008,,,
He was a seemingly mythical character ,someone who played for Russia but who was suspended for the first 2 group matches,,someone who was petulant,but we were told worth waiting for,,he was inconsistent we were told but it was his perfomance against a very talented Dutch side,,van de sar,van persie,hunntelar,robben etc,,but it was the russian dynamo,5,4,or 5 that completly outshone them all.
His dribbling was mouth watering,,his shots with no backlift were incredible,,his array of passing was superb,he ran and ran,he tackled he annoyed the dutch he annoyed the dutch,,but it was the aftermatch punditry of GILES AND DUNPHY ON RTE,who really made my mind up about him,,they said he was a luxury player,,who would make you tear your hair out,a team player? i dont think so,,BUT a mercurial genius,who any crowd would love "a typical Arsenal player"
Did GILES say that" a typical arsenal player "wow,,,,,,,,,anyway EURO 2008 came and went,,lol the russians didnt win of course and we moved on... forward to January 09 ,and the rumours gathered,,we were in for Arshavin,,but he would cost too much?he wants to come to the emirates?he would much prefer the spanish leagues?....ah no.
Then the you tube videos started to leak,,,all accompanied by this
russian hard rock thrash metal soundtrack and there was Arshavin,,,he was volleying,he was dribbling,he was backheeling,,he was volleying(again).
It was incredible ,we wanted him,big time,
But ARSENAL being ARSENAL,,dont do simple,,other clubs were in for him and his agent who i felt i got to know a fella called Dennis Lachter,seemingly sold him to about 5 clubs at once
Could we afford him?Could we afford to pay his wages?
Jnauary drew to a close,,were we still in for him?...Finally Arshavin claimed he would love to sign for Arsenal and would come to London,he arrived,but no sightings,...deadline day arrive and the scottish fella on SKY was goin into over drive in regard to every club apart from Arsenal
Was arshavin in London?no ,yes maybe,,maybe them bastards Chelsea would get him with their fuckin roubles,,the deadline hour was apparoachin,,no arshavin..........but wait,,wait,,the yellow ticker on screen,,ARSENAL agree fee with ST PETERSBURG,,and finally 2 hours after the deadline was passed Arshavin was introduced and in his pidgeon English announced "i am gooner" thats what deadline days are all about.
Although he has never consistently played to his top level ,,he is still proof of the times when Arsenal did sign bona-fide european superstars,,,,,the 4-4 at anfield was well worth the deadline day constipation.

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